Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hooray! Hooray! It's the Photo of the.... Week! :)

Kira The Cat :)
Location: Bean Station, Tennessee :) <-- Yes, I said BEAN STATION, Google it my friends!! Have you ever met that one person that was SO in love with animals, they treated them more like royalty than a family pet? Maybe you are this person? Maybe you are this pet, ahem, Royal Subject?... Well, if you do not know a person like this, I'm going to introduce you to my Aunt Donna. Hello Aunt Donna, 'tis nice to meet you. My aunt absolutely LOVES animals. Black, white, orange, green, purple, blue, or rainbow. If she finds one, she'll nurse it back to health and give it an amazing home. When I went to visit her last summer, she had found, of course, another dog, to whom she'd named Blackie. (They can't all have original names, but she was a cute one.) Blackie was an old dog, and she'd been through a lot from what my aunt could see. Her legs were shaky, and her fur was matted and dull. So Donna, being the animal lover she was, fed this outcast of a dog, and awhile later, she was very much improved. The photo above, shows my aunts' cat, Kira. She showed up one winter night, and slept under my aunts porch. She was found the next morning and my aunt fed her and gave her a warm house to sleep in. Kira was weak, and thin, but she was as adventurous and stubborn as any cat I, or my aunt had ever come across. And it made her stick out above all the rest. She has eyes that dig deep into your chest, and plant themselves comfortably in the very vessels of your heart. As you can see, she is extremely photogenic, and loves to be in front of the camera. This cat is a princess, and she knows it. But above everything, she's always there. Even after she was nursed back to health, and was finally able to live a healthy life... she always came back. She's part of the family, and always will be. That's why I love this picture. And if that makes me one of "those people", that's fine by me. :)