Friday, November 5, 2010

Raise Hope For The Congo!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi

Imagine living your life in fear. Every single day, from the morning to night. Imagine seeing your sister or mother being abused in front of your very eyes. Imagine feeling as if nothing or no one could help you. Welcome to Congo. 

Since 1996, the Dominican Republic of the Congo has been the host of  the worlds deadliest conflict since World War II. More than 5.4 million people have died from the horrible effects of the war. 45,000 people EVERY MONTH. Eastern Congo is the most unsafe and deadliest place for women and young girls to live. Each day they endure torture and rape as a war tactic to break down communities. Could you imagine? We live our lives in America as free civilians, and we still complain of even the smallest scratch. Yet, these people are enduring the worst pain a person could imagine, and 80% of the world doesn't care. 

Greed for minerals such as tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold are fueling the war and death in Congo. Some of these minerals even end up in your cellphone.  If Americans would choose to buy conflict-free electronics, this fire would eventually have no more reason to burn, and millions of lives would be saved. Please choose conflict free electronics.

The people of the Congo need our help. They can't live like this any longer. Before we know it an entire generation could be wiped out. So speak now. 

"Congo is not hopeless. There are solutions, and where there is hope, there can be peace." -Quote from

-all information was sourced from

1 comment:

  1. it's crazy how little people care. did you know they actually did a study, and in general people the more people that are suffering, the less people care. as the say, the death of one is a tragedy. the deaths of millions a statistic.
