Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sometimes I wish I was a kid again...

Photo From :)
I've been thinking a lot about growing up. It's pretty crazy how fast time flies. When I first arrived in high school I couldn't wait to graduate. Now I'm a junior, and honestly, going out into the world on my own scares me a little. I realize that it's just a part of life, and everyone does it eventually, but I enjoyed being a little kid. Life literally consisted of The Lion King, pb&j sandwiches, playing outside until my legs were jelly, and sleep. It realllllyyy doesn't get any better than that. I realize now how much I took all of that for granted. So many people, including myself, go through their childhood just wishing and waiting to be older. There's always steps, you see. First you want to be a teenager, then an 8th grader, then sixteen (license), then eighteen (graduation). By then, you're out of school, and thrust into the world. So I guess my point is to cherish the rest of your adolescence, it goes by way, wayyy too fast.


  1. Yes. It. Does. extremely too fast. High school is ending in less than 7 months for me...and I feel like I've only been here for a few days.. :'(

  2. The other night I was in the car with my mom and she was all like "I can't believe you're going to college next year!" I'm on the same page as her. I totally agree with you, though. I guess we just need to appreciate the stuff that we only get while we're at this point in our lives.

  3. how weird is it to be almost out of high school? i hate how quickly the days go by now. i just wish i could slow everything down and really enjoy life. you're always thinking of something trivial: homework not quite done, rocky relationships et cetera. life would be so much better if we all could just sit down and think "wow, what a beautiful world".

  4. High school has flied by, where is the time? I mean I am honestly scared to leave the nest and be on my own it's a crazy thought.

  5. Yeah i agree now we have school. School i do not like
