Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nooo picture this week :( Dear camera....

My dearest camera,
          I would like to inform you that I am extremely sorry I dropped you yesterday.. and the day before that.  Also, I think you should know that I did not intentionally feed you to my dog.  I think he thought you were a shiny pink marshmallow, or maybe strawberry flavored hard candy.  I miss you, my dear.  We have been through so much, and although I didn't always treat you right, you never once let me down... until last night.  Honestly, I think I deserved this, for I really have put you through so much torture.  I promise that if you start working today I will never ever EVER drop you again.  Unless it's by it was the first bagillion and three times.  Also, I will not leave you in random areas and lose you for a week.  I plan on putting you in your comfy little case when I get home.. once I find it.  I think it's somewhere under my bed... so I'll be sure to take a flashlight and a bat with me when I go on my search.  Don't worry camera, I will find your case, and you will be safe once again.  Thank you for everything.  You really are my treasure. 

Sincerely, Me.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your loss I hope your camera comes back from the dead for you.

  2. I totally feel ya, Aly. My poor pink camera bit the dust awhile back. Sounds like we had similar relationships with our cameras. =)
