Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's time for the "R" Word...

^^ I think it's love.
Relationships are complicated. I'm sixteen, almost seventeen years old, and I already think this.. That is just not okay. Whether you're a girl, or a guy, relationships are just... blah. You can be super happy one minute, and then BAM! He/She is a jerk and you're mad. What on earth is going on in your significant others' mind? Why does this happen? Because people change. That's why. Our world is always twisting and turning. People grow up. They move on with their lives, and unfortunately, that doesn't always involve you. Just the other day I was wondering why this had to happen so much, and why it had to feel so crappy. Then I commented on it in a "Free Write" for my English class. And on the side, in little pink ink, my teacher wrote, "They're there to learn from." That's when it hit me. If we didn't have these stupid breakups (and breakdowns), we would have no chance to appreciate what a good person does when they finally come along. So I guess what I'm saying is the next time you get your heartbroken, and I'm hoping this doesn't happen to you, but if it does... look at it in a positive way. They're just another lesson learned. And the next one that comes into your life WILL be better.


  1. Yeah.. "Blah" sums it up perfectly.

  2. it looks like there kissing eachother! er biting each others eyes out..either way its still cool

  3. Yeah this is a nice photo kind of weird
