Sunday, October 3, 2010

Friends :)

Rose :)

Hello again bloggers! So this past week has definitely been stressful for me. I found out some extremely sad information, and it has taken its toll on me. Last week I came to school in a very bad mood, and only my closest friends could see that something was wrong. Last week was a huge realization for me. I realized that my friends really do keep me going. They are everything to me, and without them I would have so many more sad days. So I've decided that this blog is dedicated to all of the people who have been there for me. This week, this year, my whole life. You really do make a difference in my life. Each and every one of you do something different. Even if it's just a random hug in the hallway (Nate & Taimen), or bringing me flowers (thanks D.Dubs). You all mean so much to me. I love you guys :)

1 comment:

  1. this picture just makes me happy. i hope you're feeling better!
