Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmastiiiiiime! :)

Photo from :)
  It's that time again! That time that brings happiness and joy to almost everyone around!...especially kids. CHRISTMASTIIIIIIIME!..and my birthday :) I can't even come close to explaining how much I love Christmas. Everything about it just puts me in a good mood. The tree, the lights, the snow, the cold, the presents, the food, and most importantly the family! :) So much amazingness is put into one month, and it's PERFECT. Hopefully this weekend we'll be putting up the Christmas lights, and tree :) I'm so excited. I remember when I was little I tried to make a Secret Plan on how to capture Santa on film. I hid under the tree with my little camera, and used cookies and milk as bait... unfortunately I fell asleep... Once again he escaped me! Santa is a ninja in case anyone was wondering. Anyway, I want to wish all of you a very merry Christmas. Have fun! But make sure you remember your family. Take some time to forget about the presents and the tree and alllll of the material things, and just be thankful for them. That's what Christmas is about. Too many people forget that. Enjoy Christmastime! It only comes once a year!! :)

Snow! :)

Photo courtesy of :)

 I love snow! I love pretty snow. That disgusting slush you see after the snow starts to melt is gross. But fresh snow that makes the trees look white and my windows frost up.... THAT is amazing snow :) And has anyone ever noticed that snow has a smell? Seriously. The world smells different when it snows. You may disagree, but I'm just saying... it does. Ahhh! I can't wait for the first giant amount of snow. This year I plan on making one of the most epic snowmen ever. Pictures will be taken. And I am also planning on making a fort completely out of snow, so hopefully we get more than we have right now. Oh how I loooooove winter! :)


 Okay, so last year I was like "Oh my gosh! I think I'll take Chemistry! I'm pretty sure blowing things up and mixing chemicals will be awesome!" Well....yeah....about that. Chemistry is HARD. Like "explain the taste of water" hard. Or "don't breathe for a an hour and live to tell the tale" hard. I despise it. It's going to ruin my life. Seriously. I have never had below a B in my entire life and I almost have a D in that class! You may be thinking "Well maybe you should try harder." NO. I have tried. I have tried and tried and TRIED. No. I miss Biology. I miss Mr. Polston, and his singing. "I don't care if it rains or freezes, long as I got my plastic Jesus on the dashboard of my carrr...." -sniffle- I despise Chemistry. Mr. Russell doesn't even sing :(