Friday, September 17, 2010

New Life

Two baby leaves :)
So lately I've been thinking a lot about family. My sister recently announced that she and her husband are expecting another baby! :) When she told me, I (of course) completely lost all composure and freaked out. I was so happy to hear this because I love my family. Every last one of them. And adding onto the family is just another reason to be thankful for life in and of itself. I realize that many people, including myself, can have some rocky moments at times. They can be as simple as a small argument, or as difficult as the loss of a loved one. But I believe that you should be thankful for every single day you are given on this earth, and cherish what and who you have. Your family will be there for you through think and thin. And though you may have your disagreements at times, they will always love you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Living Here Is It's Own Kind of Comfortable."

Yes, it's a star-bell.
I was born in Phoenix, Arizona and lived there until I was about four. Then we moved to a small town in Tennessee, and loved it there. But times change, and along with time, people change as well, so we packed up and moved to good ol' Illinois. People often ask me how I like the "country life". To tell you the truth, I love it. There's so much simplicity here. From bonfires to Friday night football games, everyone is so close and tight-knit. You don't have to be rich or good looking. You have your own place. And certain people just fit with you there. I've made friends that are only born and raised in the country. They're one of a kind. You don't have to try to be someone you're not. Everything is laid back... And because of that, I love my life here. The simple things are what makes life in the country so beautiful.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


 Welcome, once again, my dear bloggers and bloggets. This weeks photo is one of my very latest. This summer I wanted nothing more than to go on an amazing journey to far away lands. Unfortunately, I was stuck in Illinois. And hark! The boredom monster has struck again! So of course, being me, I brought out my trusty camera, and ventured into.... drum-roll please.... my backyard! Da-da-da DAAAA! I've found that some of the best pictures I've taken were featured either at my house, in town, or at my school. Shocking? I think yes. It's amazing the things you pass day by day. The opportunities you stroll by, and never even see. The most fantastic pictures out there are taken not 10 feet from a persons own home. You just have to have the right eye, and imagination for it. So I ask you to do this favor for me. The next time you're walking into you're house/apartment/box/ etc, take a step back, and look at the beauty around you. Because that, my friends, is photography. Opening your eyes to the little things... the things that go unnoticed, just waiting for you to take a look.