Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmastiiiiiime! :)

Photo from :)
  It's that time again! That time that brings happiness and joy to almost everyone around!...especially kids. CHRISTMASTIIIIIIIME!..and my birthday :) I can't even come close to explaining how much I love Christmas. Everything about it just puts me in a good mood. The tree, the lights, the snow, the cold, the presents, the food, and most importantly the family! :) So much amazingness is put into one month, and it's PERFECT. Hopefully this weekend we'll be putting up the Christmas lights, and tree :) I'm so excited. I remember when I was little I tried to make a Secret Plan on how to capture Santa on film. I hid under the tree with my little camera, and used cookies and milk as bait... unfortunately I fell asleep... Once again he escaped me! Santa is a ninja in case anyone was wondering. Anyway, I want to wish all of you a very merry Christmas. Have fun! But make sure you remember your family. Take some time to forget about the presents and the tree and alllll of the material things, and just be thankful for them. That's what Christmas is about. Too many people forget that. Enjoy Christmastime! It only comes once a year!! :)

Snow! :)

Photo courtesy of :)

 I love snow! I love pretty snow. That disgusting slush you see after the snow starts to melt is gross. But fresh snow that makes the trees look white and my windows frost up.... THAT is amazing snow :) And has anyone ever noticed that snow has a smell? Seriously. The world smells different when it snows. You may disagree, but I'm just saying... it does. Ahhh! I can't wait for the first giant amount of snow. This year I plan on making one of the most epic snowmen ever. Pictures will be taken. And I am also planning on making a fort completely out of snow, so hopefully we get more than we have right now. Oh how I loooooove winter! :)


 Okay, so last year I was like "Oh my gosh! I think I'll take Chemistry! I'm pretty sure blowing things up and mixing chemicals will be awesome!" Well....yeah....about that. Chemistry is HARD. Like "explain the taste of water" hard. Or "don't breathe for a an hour and live to tell the tale" hard. I despise it. It's going to ruin my life. Seriously. I have never had below a B in my entire life and I almost have a D in that class! You may be thinking "Well maybe you should try harder." NO. I have tried. I have tried and tried and TRIED. No. I miss Biology. I miss Mr. Polston, and his singing. "I don't care if it rains or freezes, long as I got my plastic Jesus on the dashboard of my carrr...." -sniffle- I despise Chemistry. Mr. Russell doesn't even sing :(

Friday, November 5, 2010

Raise Hope For The Congo!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world" -Mahatma Gandhi

Imagine living your life in fear. Every single day, from the morning to night. Imagine seeing your sister or mother being abused in front of your very eyes. Imagine feeling as if nothing or no one could help you. Welcome to Congo. 

Since 1996, the Dominican Republic of the Congo has been the host of  the worlds deadliest conflict since World War II. More than 5.4 million people have died from the horrible effects of the war. 45,000 people EVERY MONTH. Eastern Congo is the most unsafe and deadliest place for women and young girls to live. Each day they endure torture and rape as a war tactic to break down communities. Could you imagine? We live our lives in America as free civilians, and we still complain of even the smallest scratch. Yet, these people are enduring the worst pain a person could imagine, and 80% of the world doesn't care. 

Greed for minerals such as tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold are fueling the war and death in Congo. Some of these minerals even end up in your cellphone.  If Americans would choose to buy conflict-free electronics, this fire would eventually have no more reason to burn, and millions of lives would be saved. Please choose conflict free electronics.

The people of the Congo need our help. They can't live like this any longer. Before we know it an entire generation could be wiped out. So speak now. 

"Congo is not hopeless. There are solutions, and where there is hope, there can be peace." -Quote from

-all information was sourced from

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sometimes I wish I was a kid again...

Photo From :)
I've been thinking a lot about growing up. It's pretty crazy how fast time flies. When I first arrived in high school I couldn't wait to graduate. Now I'm a junior, and honestly, going out into the world on my own scares me a little. I realize that it's just a part of life, and everyone does it eventually, but I enjoyed being a little kid. Life literally consisted of The Lion King, pb&j sandwiches, playing outside until my legs were jelly, and sleep. It realllllyyy doesn't get any better than that. I realize now how much I took all of that for granted. So many people, including myself, go through their childhood just wishing and waiting to be older. There's always steps, you see. First you want to be a teenager, then an 8th grader, then sixteen (license), then eighteen (graduation). By then, you're out of school, and thrust into the world. So I guess my point is to cherish the rest of your adolescence, it goes by way, wayyy too fast.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Color Splash/Macro Flower :)

   Hello, hello! :) The picture above, as the caption reads, is a flower that has been color splashed, and is slightly macro! :) I absolutely love color splash, especially when the background color is bright... e.g. the picture above. For those of you that do not know, color splash photography is done on photoshop. My go-to photoshop sight is :) To color splash, simply go to the "Photo Editor" and upload your picture. There will be an "effect" section. Go to it, and click on the "Color Splash" button :) Everything will turn black and white, and whatever you click on will go back to the original color of your picture. For example, if you take a picture of a pair of red sunglasses sitting on a green table, you can make the table, as well as the rest of the background, black and the sunglasses will stay red. It.Is.AMAZING. Now, you may be wondering what "Macro" is. Macro is a very close up, VERY detailed picture. It captures event the smallest details of an object. The quality of Macro is beautiful. To take a Macro picture, hit the little Tulip Flower looking thing on your camera, and focus in on a picture.It really is a great setting for an aspiring photographer, or even just a random person taking pictures! :) Happy picture taking everyoneeee! :)

ps. I did not take, and do not own the picture above in any way shape or form. I got it off of Photobucket :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh where, Oh where....

So first of all I would like to apologize to Miss. Fultz for horribly slacking on my blogs. I realize that I'm about four weeks (after this blog, three weeks) behind, and I am so very, very sorry. I will try much harder in the weeks to come, I promise! :) Now that my apology has been said, I would like to explain to you all what has happened to my dear camera. Honestly, I blame myself for my camera mishap. I should have paid more attention to it, but of course, I did not. My camera is deceased... Hopefully it will come back to me someday, but I highly doubt it. it won't turn on, and for some reason when I DO get it to turn on it won't sync to my computer. Soooo..... yes. I will more than likely find awesomely amazing pictures on Photobucket or something, and just write about them. Yeah... that sounds good. Pray for my camera! it may decide to come back to me... someday :(

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nooo picture this week :( Dear camera....

My dearest camera,
          I would like to inform you that I am extremely sorry I dropped you yesterday.. and the day before that.  Also, I think you should know that I did not intentionally feed you to my dog.  I think he thought you were a shiny pink marshmallow, or maybe strawberry flavored hard candy.  I miss you, my dear.  We have been through so much, and although I didn't always treat you right, you never once let me down... until last night.  Honestly, I think I deserved this, for I really have put you through so much torture.  I promise that if you start working today I will never ever EVER drop you again.  Unless it's by it was the first bagillion and three times.  Also, I will not leave you in random areas and lose you for a week.  I plan on putting you in your comfy little case when I get home.. once I find it.  I think it's somewhere under my bed... so I'll be sure to take a flashlight and a bat with me when I go on my search.  Don't worry camera, I will find your case, and you will be safe once again.  Thank you for everything.  You really are my treasure. 

Sincerely, Me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's time for the "R" Word...

^^ I think it's love.
Relationships are complicated. I'm sixteen, almost seventeen years old, and I already think this.. That is just not okay. Whether you're a girl, or a guy, relationships are just... blah. You can be super happy one minute, and then BAM! He/She is a jerk and you're mad. What on earth is going on in your significant others' mind? Why does this happen? Because people change. That's why. Our world is always twisting and turning. People grow up. They move on with their lives, and unfortunately, that doesn't always involve you. Just the other day I was wondering why this had to happen so much, and why it had to feel so crappy. Then I commented on it in a "Free Write" for my English class. And on the side, in little pink ink, my teacher wrote, "They're there to learn from." That's when it hit me. If we didn't have these stupid breakups (and breakdowns), we would have no chance to appreciate what a good person does when they finally come along. So I guess what I'm saying is the next time you get your heartbroken, and I'm hoping this doesn't happen to you, but if it does... look at it in a positive way. They're just another lesson learned. And the next one that comes into your life WILL be better.

Friends :)

Rose :)

Hello again bloggers! So this past week has definitely been stressful for me. I found out some extremely sad information, and it has taken its toll on me. Last week I came to school in a very bad mood, and only my closest friends could see that something was wrong. Last week was a huge realization for me. I realized that my friends really do keep me going. They are everything to me, and without them I would have so many more sad days. So I've decided that this blog is dedicated to all of the people who have been there for me. This week, this year, my whole life. You really do make a difference in my life. Each and every one of you do something different. Even if it's just a random hug in the hallway (Nate & Taimen), or bringing me flowers (thanks D.Dubs). You all mean so much to me. I love you guys :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Life

Two baby leaves :)
So lately I've been thinking a lot about family. My sister recently announced that she and her husband are expecting another baby! :) When she told me, I (of course) completely lost all composure and freaked out. I was so happy to hear this because I love my family. Every last one of them. And adding onto the family is just another reason to be thankful for life in and of itself. I realize that many people, including myself, can have some rocky moments at times. They can be as simple as a small argument, or as difficult as the loss of a loved one. But I believe that you should be thankful for every single day you are given on this earth, and cherish what and who you have. Your family will be there for you through think and thin. And though you may have your disagreements at times, they will always love you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Living Here Is It's Own Kind of Comfortable."

Yes, it's a star-bell.
I was born in Phoenix, Arizona and lived there until I was about four. Then we moved to a small town in Tennessee, and loved it there. But times change, and along with time, people change as well, so we packed up and moved to good ol' Illinois. People often ask me how I like the "country life". To tell you the truth, I love it. There's so much simplicity here. From bonfires to Friday night football games, everyone is so close and tight-knit. You don't have to be rich or good looking. You have your own place. And certain people just fit with you there. I've made friends that are only born and raised in the country. They're one of a kind. You don't have to try to be someone you're not. Everything is laid back... And because of that, I love my life here. The simple things are what makes life in the country so beautiful.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


 Welcome, once again, my dear bloggers and bloggets. This weeks photo is one of my very latest. This summer I wanted nothing more than to go on an amazing journey to far away lands. Unfortunately, I was stuck in Illinois. And hark! The boredom monster has struck again! So of course, being me, I brought out my trusty camera, and ventured into.... drum-roll please.... my backyard! Da-da-da DAAAA! I've found that some of the best pictures I've taken were featured either at my house, in town, or at my school. Shocking? I think yes. It's amazing the things you pass day by day. The opportunities you stroll by, and never even see. The most fantastic pictures out there are taken not 10 feet from a persons own home. You just have to have the right eye, and imagination for it. So I ask you to do this favor for me. The next time you're walking into you're house/apartment/box/ etc, take a step back, and look at the beauty around you. Because that, my friends, is photography. Opening your eyes to the little things... the things that go unnoticed, just waiting for you to take a look.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hooray! Hooray! It's the Photo of the.... Week! :)

Kira The Cat :)
Location: Bean Station, Tennessee :) <-- Yes, I said BEAN STATION, Google it my friends!! Have you ever met that one person that was SO in love with animals, they treated them more like royalty than a family pet? Maybe you are this person? Maybe you are this pet, ahem, Royal Subject?... Well, if you do not know a person like this, I'm going to introduce you to my Aunt Donna. Hello Aunt Donna, 'tis nice to meet you. My aunt absolutely LOVES animals. Black, white, orange, green, purple, blue, or rainbow. If she finds one, she'll nurse it back to health and give it an amazing home. When I went to visit her last summer, she had found, of course, another dog, to whom she'd named Blackie. (They can't all have original names, but she was a cute one.) Blackie was an old dog, and she'd been through a lot from what my aunt could see. Her legs were shaky, and her fur was matted and dull. So Donna, being the animal lover she was, fed this outcast of a dog, and awhile later, she was very much improved. The photo above, shows my aunts' cat, Kira. She showed up one winter night, and slept under my aunts porch. She was found the next morning and my aunt fed her and gave her a warm house to sleep in. Kira was weak, and thin, but she was as adventurous and stubborn as any cat I, or my aunt had ever come across. And it made her stick out above all the rest. She has eyes that dig deep into your chest, and plant themselves comfortably in the very vessels of your heart. As you can see, she is extremely photogenic, and loves to be in front of the camera. This cat is a princess, and she knows it. But above everything, she's always there. Even after she was nursed back to health, and was finally able to live a healthy life... she always came back. She's part of the family, and always will be. That's why I love this picture. And if that makes me one of "those people", that's fine by me. :)